The Management of INLEIT INGREDIENTS, S.L.U., as a company engaged in the production of pasteurized cream, pasteurized skimmed milk, partially dehydrated milk, and bulk fractionated dairy products; production of milk powder and fractionated dairy products in bags and big bags; shipment of raw milk; and manufacture of UHT cream packaged in 1L, is committed to implement, respect and maintain a Quality, Environment and Food Safety policy whose priority is the satisfaction of the requirements and expectations of our customers, the protection of the environment, the fulfillment of the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as others that we may voluntarily subscribe to, convinced that the continuity and development of the Company will be assured only by incorporating these principles to our objectives and strategies. To this end, it is essential to set up an organization and a Quality, Environment, and Food Safety system following the pre-established provisions of FSSC 22000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, HALAL regulation, and KOSHER regulation, with the Quality Assurance Manager in charge of the management.
Our teams are provided with the appropriate means to comply with our Quality, Environment effectively, and Food
Safety Policy, committing ourselves to:
▪ Improve the quality and safety of finished products, quantified by the reduction of our customer complaints.
▪ To guarantee the legality and food safety of the products and our responsibility towards customers and users through HACCP management.
▪ Comply with the guidelines set out in the regulations for using the Halal (HCE) and KOSHER (OK KOSHER) guarantee marks.
▪ To implement operating practices in our facilities to prevent pollution of the environment.
▪ Ensure our suppliers’ rigorous application of procedures with the help of internal audits through information, awareness, and motivation meetings.
▪ To implement a training policy to continuously improve the professional skills of our staff and our overall performance in terms of quality, environment, and cost control by promoting teamwork and a culture of food safety.
▪ Establish the necessary internal and external communications to ensure product quality and safety information available to all stakeholders.
▪ Comply at all times with our ethical and hygienic responsibilities.
▪ To guarantee the protection of our products against theft or sabotage in the areas under the control of INLEIT INGREDIENTS, S.L.U.
▪ To maintain a system of continuous improvement of the Quality, Environment, and Food Safety of our products, processes, services, and the Management System itself, through the maintenance of the Certifications according to the standards FSSC 22000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, HALAL and KOSHER in the INLEIT INGREDIENTS, S.L.U. Plant.
This Policy will be disseminated to all persons working for or on behalf of INLEIT and will be made available to other interested parties.
INLEIT’s Management is committed to developing the guidelines determined in the Integrated Management System, reviewing the implemented system, and establishing this policy as a reference framework for establishing the Company’s general objectives.
At Teixeiro, on 11/04/2022